Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Jasper's blog translated into English

 Original Blog in Danish

Then there's "a little" news from the two spring trips. We are well back home, filled with impressions and fantastic experiences. It has really been a thoroughly superb ride and it welcomes almost already to be off again. I would also lie heavily if I said that I was glad the whole game this summer and look a little different than snow :-)
It was a rather long post, but it's a little hard to boil 4 months of life experiences down to a few lines, so it must therefore be that way! Enjoy ...
Part 1 (first trip, January 20-February 28)
After a well deserved and really cozy Christmas with a visit from Santa Claus in their own high and a crash of a new year, with very nice (and huge) bomb on the ice, we were on January 20 is again ready to crawl in a sledge clothes and clamping dogs. Now it was starting to get some daylight hours at midday, so we could again see where you went and what you drove in. Rasmus and I had this time south to Mestervig where we hoped to say hello to PROBATIONERS.
We had the best lead southward and skating to Mestersvig in 11 days. Along the way we got a little company of 2 bears, they'd happily do not talk to us, so they slipped neatly off again. When we got to Mestervig pulled it up to møgvejr. We had planned 4 rest days so we could enjoy a little with PROBATIONERS, but bad weather meant that they could not land and had to turn around and fly to Iceland, bitterly.

Our bitch Sally blushed along the way (that she was pregnant), which meant that she was a little kuldret, but worse was the fact that we now also drove around with the most horny males north of the Arctic Circle. It was kind of a challenge, although there is minimal circulation in a sled dog's head, so it is not in doubt about when to stick to, to get a little fun, so sometimes stopped the entire peasant train without any notice, because everyone was down sniff glories or beaten. Thumping stressful ... Well, the lucky, our friend from the west coast, Singerneq and he was definitely not slow to thank accepted the offer. So the rest of the ride home, there were both morning and evening relaxation for Singerneq. Eventually he did not even bother to stand up under the Act, then it is become a little too much everyday ... motherfucker! The result of the outlandish exploits I come in on a little later

While we had good result, many of the other sled team be weatherproof or walking in front of the sled because of heavy and soft lead, so we had a little sorry for them when we stood and heard about all their problems on the radio in the evening. We did, however, just to sniff a little of the bad weather and had just settled weather for a few days of Franklin Depot. From Franklin's way to Myggbukta, I went in front of the sled, ca. 100 meters from shore and lay track, when suddenly I could feel the ice rocking under me. I cried for Rasmus, I think damn it rocked a little .. Just as I had said it turned a giant piece of ice around inside the country broken and now suddenly there was open water. So it may well be that sled teams 4 were scrambling to find a place where they could enter the country. Since we had driven a few kilometers there came more and more open water and in the end we only had approx. 2 meters on land to run on, a little exciting.
We came back to Daneborg and "Circus March visit" on Feb. 28. March visit people at home that comes up and holds meetings on the meetings they have to meet to meet about. Additionally you can just get checked bisserne by Peter dentist and talk to a doctor, so it's seen such fine. Otherwise, the day went to unpack the sled together and load it on a Twin Otter, so it could be flown to North Station, where the next part of the stage was run from.

Part 2 (second trip, March 1 to June 1)

The sled and all our gear was of course sent in advance, so now we lacked only the 13 cylinders and the two faker. Some of the dogs had tried to fly before so that was pretty calm during the 3 hour flight to North Station, but there were also those who were slightly more concerned about it. Among them was Batman definitely not worthy of the name. He stumbled around and had to lie on the seats, then down to the floor, up the neck to me or Ralle and looked down on the seats again. It was worse than a 3rd Class going on camping trip. The two most experienced sled dogs, Roger and Armstrong took the whole trip very relaxed, but unfortunately they smoked a little uproar when we took off, and Roger was bitten on the paw. Him we had then have made the North and so was he otherwise and fedede it for 3 weeks on loaded!

From the second to 10 March, stood Ralle and I am available for a photographer from National Geographic, which was to take pictures for an article that appears in their magazine here in late summer (maybe). The journalist has been following me and Ralle (per diary and phone) and it should be so like to make a nice article out of.
The other two sled teams, 2 and 5, were flown out to Hall Land and FNA hut. Well, on 10 we drove away from the North, after a week of too much good food and too much candy and cake. But now we went north, and, of course, some calories inboard. During the first week we had temperatures below about -40, and then it is easy to think of anything more fun than having to crawl out of the bag in the morning.

We came up and rounded the Cape John Flagler and drove in Hyde Fjord, March 22. We had only driven about. 2 hours, since the weather turned from bad to very bad. It was windy, snowing and the screen allowed us barely to see the dogs in extreme phenomenon. We decided to stop and throw the tent up just to see the weather the way in a few hours. It would prove to be a pretty good move, because now it was really poor weather. Now stormed and snowed, the tent was sometimes almost totally depressed and we were little and prayed to Mogens Clausen as sewing tents, having done its job well. So there we could lie and stare and evenings on the radio to Sirius reported that the weather is not exactly got better the next day. Hmm .... Now, should we have to consider what we had with the supplies, dog food and fuel to the burners. It can be pretty cool just to be in place in a tent in -35 degrees. So we introduced 3 hot hours at. 9-12 and again from 19-21. Meanwhile, one could then creep into the bag and sleep or read. The day after had Ralle birthday, so I had to get out of the sled for a gift I had brought from his parents. I got more than 2 meters away from the sled disappeared simply because so little was the weather. But I had found the gift and we had celebrated Ralle with a birthday song, marshmallows over the fire and a game Casino. It is probably not a birthday he just forgets. The weather was now so PIV poor that it was difficult just to slightly decrease in sleep and when we go out and look for the dogs, we had to grasp with one hand in the chain and follow it out and back.
Kl. 1200 days after the weather went from PIV call suddenly to be good, less than half an hour, plug in to all weather forecasts. So it could not go fast enough to get dug tents, dogs, and especially the sled free and get going. Fortunately, Mogens Clausen track of his craft.
On their way in through Hyde Fjord, we visited Lemon Fjord station. A research station in the middle of absolutely nowhere, but it was very fun just to look into. There are only people in the summer, so we were all alone in the tiny ghost town. We borrowed a generator so we could charge batteries up to a screwdriver we found. And that way we could repair our one with the sled, which had begun to seriously hang with the nose.
At Hyde Fjord depot, we held a day of rest, and I was indoors man. Ralle walked around outside and filled water bottles and supplies. I would just go out for a little fresh air and see what he went and grappled with. When I opened the door to, I could ca. 50 meters away, knowing the minds of a rather large white animal. So I said to Ralle: "Hey who is fucking a bear." Ralle just thought I them were made gas until he had turned his head and could see that this was not the case, then he shouted: "Well damn, hurry ... get the camera!" So I got picked, but I was now just a pistol with, just as a precaution θ After some photo-mic, we got chased bjørnefar away. We wondered a little about why the 13 bear guards out of the chain had not said a sound and was a little worried about whether they were indifferent to the bears. But at. 0100 began Hjørdis making noise out of the chain and suddenly voted the others, so we were well aware that Mr. Bear had come back, so again we had out and ask him to go away. He did so and then he was also gone.

From Hyde Fjord, we drove through the northern pass over and continue on to Brainard Sound. En route we saw wolf tracks, but we never saw the wolf, unfortunately. From there on down in J.P. Koch Fjord and up at the Adams Glacier, screen the valley and onto the evening star Lake via Gyldenløvshøj. The absolute finest descent throughout the journey. We drove the sled up to 700 vertical meters, so the descent was long and beautiful. Lovely with a little change of pace compared to the days where one can see further than you can reach in two days, it's just so motivating ... In the middle of the descent had 2 sled team warned us of a giant snehul of 2 meters. (Eg . area around a stone where the wind has done that there is no snow) So we had to get all the dogs and load carriage and four it down. Another place we had to pellet all of the load and tow it up a hill though, because the dogs could not pull so precipitously. It is the charm of running sled in something like terrain.
We drove upper-and lower midsummer lake to river Midsummer, unconditional spring trip nicest ride, driven in sunshine and cloudless. Here everything is just desolate and super nice.

We had a few days of rest at Moltke Station with sled team 2, where we had changed little bottom boards on "Black Sun" and Peter and I found an old pair of mopeds in a hangar that we are after much toil and trouble actually got booted and then there was obviously doomed Grand Prix as Peter narrowly won. In my defense, I drove too with a flat back ...

We drove on to the Hagen Fjord, where we were down at the bottom and over the country to 5 May lake. Hagen Fjord was a large soft hell and we had to stomp in front of the sled in 50 cam soft snow when we got to the bottom, it turned out that we could not come overland, as the canyon we were going through was completely blocked by landslides. So we had all the way back and run over Jyske Ås, but it had we would not put up to the sled. So we should save a bit of supplies, dog food and fuel and hoping that the weather was so we would not be weatherproof. In the midst of Jyske Ås it began to snow, it actually fell down, fell approx. 1 meter of 6 hours, so we decided to put up your tent. Rubbish, we had put the rods in when Ralle suddenly exclaimed: "Now the birth she damn!" Sally our pregnant bitch, timed the worst possible and had begun to give birth and then it may well be that Jasper and Rasmussen got busy getting things space and get fired up in the tent. Unfortunately, Sally was a little confused and the tiny newborns were to die before it really got started. We quickly got beaten up a nest up in the apse, and so it went fast, voila, there came one more. Unfortunately, this also had to be killed because Sally ate it! Now, we were frankly a little nervous about whether there would be something we do sled dogs out, but then said the bum! Bum! Bum! Bum! And the Bum! With a one-hour interval was Gerber, Garmin, Kaffi, Nik & Jay born ... It was quite an experience. But it also meant that we had to stay in the tent the following day, just to have peace on the first day. Outside it was snowing still, and the pile of supplies dwindled box still in and the same was true with dog food. 3 days later we could run into shack on the 5th May Lake, but a liter of fuel, a bag hundepem and not much fuppemad so it was driven to the limit. At the depot we turned day. This means that we began to drive at night because it was too hot for the dogs during the day and because the snow was bad in the middle of the day. The small vapper was installed in a box on the sled, and then came up and got a "pat" once in a while. We continued south and had to meet with the sled team 2 and 5 in the center of Lake depot, where rumors said that there would be drop by plane. There we were about. 8 days later, nice to see the other again and people in general.

Forgetting came at midday, so it was not much sleep it was, but what makes it fail when pork tenderloin, buns, FRUIT!, Beer, and an unlikely low adult leaf down from heaven? We got a Classic Slots, some fruit and a muffin and then we packed up and drove on.
5 days later we landed at Lägervallen Depot and sørme on nice summer people had not put some beer in the summer, so there was a party with some beer and pork tenderloin on all 3 sled team. Sled Team 2 had pipe tobacco from North Station, so those who had the lust to get a pipe.
Further south we visited Jørgen Lund Well grave, it was really exciting to visit the historic site and one can not comprehend what effort the poor men went through the Denmark expedition. That was when there were men to ...!

On 19 May we drove into the Port of Denmark, the little weather station we visited in the fall, then there was doomed decent food and a nice long bath for the first time in 2.5 months, so it took a little soap to θ It was so nice to meet the happy and very hospitable people in the station and they had almost completely bad about doing nothing and be waited on at both ends (but only almost θ) We got Softly goodbye to the nice people of Denmark Harbor and continued every 3 sled team south to Nanok where we should meet with the sled team 1 and 7 Ralle and I had just one trip into past Påskenæsset depot and get two suits that HE had made sure that we had to run in. So it was two handsome guys (almost newly washed) was running sled with suits for 2 days. It was very fun, but it was also great to get rid of again.

At I hopped onto the sledge team 2 and drove with Peter from my own team the last 2 days down to Nanok, just for fun. We drove back and in the morning, we were not quite ready to sleep when the alarm clock rang the first time, so when we got up and looked out, we came straight to see the back of the other 2 sleds that disappeared into the horizon. Well, we thought. Well it could well be we should look to get up so ... But we did it now quietly and fetched indeed one sled team later. As we drove to Nanok we were greeted by two VERY naked men with flags (it was certainly something that they had lost a challenge in a game of ludo) But fun and safe cool event!

From Nanok we mixed sled teams and went all together down through Fligelys where we had to climb several medium-size cracks, it went fine until the last. Morten and I drove up, so the crack and shouted: "crack crack crack" and the dogs sat, just as they would go up, but 2 meters before the crack decided our dog Johan, it demonstrated yet there was nothing for him to jump over it crack and slowed up completely. Suddenly the slide inclined at an 1.5 meter wide crack of open water and we had the small vapper, now in 2 boxes on the sled, so it might just not go wrong. I have two of my skis and jumped over the crack while Morten was directed sled up. Over on the other hand, I called on Johan and Hansen and ran fine with the above and so did the next 6 dogs, but then thought they did not know they were far away. This resulted in the Balder and Robin are now lying in the middle of the water. I tried pulling on the phenomenon, but I could not pull them up alone and now I could soon see only the toe of Balder, everything else was under water. Robin came up with the help, but when I would come right up to the crack broke a big snefane, and I smoke in the hip, but I got Balder's belt and we got on somehow both of them up completely soaked . Balder completely myself from the hip down. It was pretty cool, but it was nice to the heavy freezing temperatures had disappeared. Since I had my skis on again, I could not find them. Morten could then say that the carriage had driven over them and they were knocked down in tears and was now probably enough on the bottom of Fligelys fjord. It was our reserveski I had already killed 3 pairs tideligere, so now we just had to wait for sled teams 5 so I could get their reserveski and move on.

After a few hours, Morten and I agreed that I froze and we struck up a tent. We drove in front, so it was still us who decided when we will not bother anymore. When I had the heat and some dry clothes on, came Ralle barged into the tent, even more soaked than I do. He had been TOTALLY in the same crack. It was only his headband was dry.
All sled teams gathered at Zackenberg
The first June, we rolled into the Zackenberg which was doomed final fun with sausages, hot dog, beer and summer weather to none. We arrived at. 2 in the morning, bathed in sunshine. So while we waited for the sparks to Daneborg should stand up and come with all the good items, we wandered a ride on Zachenberg mountain. Really really a nice trip. We came down from the mountain while the sparks came and then there was fun, tall tales and a perfect end to a world-class spring trip.

There have been so many great experiences that it is hard to get them all here (though it was long). But especially the experience to get vapper on a sled journey is unique. The small nice chunks, each day the subject of a lot of fun and especially comfort. Gerber found himself out of knocking into the tent when he was tired and did not bother to fight with his siblings. Then he was admitted, and even went up and lay down on my sleeping bag and fell asleep. So it is fun!

There was a large surplus was more good experiences than bad, but there are days when one wonders about what the hell you go and do here in the middle of nowhere surrounded by hard work and bad weather, when you could walk around at home, take a cup of coffee and sit down in a warm room. But when lightning but the entrance to the tent in the evening, have changed clothes and sits with his soup and a good book, there's just nowhere else in the world you have more desire to be than right here. No worries about anything, no bad news on TV, no internet, no mobile, no disruptive outside. Only you and your book. It is the welfare of the soul. I wish I could show you it all together ...

Thank you to Ralle for a great trip

And especially thanks to Johan Hansen, Yuri, Indy, Singerneq, Hiordis Sally, Sigurd, Batman, Robin, Balder, Armstrong, Roger, and of course Gerber, Garmin, Kaffi, Nik & Jay

Many ideas for home to family and friends

Sunday 9 January 2011Autumn Journey 2010

After waiting more or less desperate on the ice release, it became final on 9 november and with a week's delay could Rasmus and I tighten the dogs in the phenomenon and come off on sled trip.If we were ready, the dogs were double clear. Kl. 10, under cover of darkness we smoke down the coastline and out towards the day's goal, Albrecht Bay Depot. We will still have to find a new belt to Roger before we could whiz by. He had been alone for approx. 5 seconds during which time he had beautifully managed to gnaw his own belt in half ...
After 42 km, 7 hours, we reached with Sledge Team 1 and 3 up to the depot. It was not a very long night for all men was hard tired legs and body. Rasmus and I took the nice places on the floor and crawled deserved in the bags.
The next few days we drove up the coast via Sigurdsheimen and Nanokhytten. There I met my first challenge .. Bak! Bak is opskruninger of the ice and can occur in sizes anywhere from ankle height to the size of a house and bigger. What we ran into was between waist and head height, and escapes that you can run slide into it, when you stand and look at it. The dogs apparently do not care, so it just goes over stock and stone (or ice) and I just love that I was shipped around the ring and got a sound beating.
I rushed around. between 100 and 200 times, how it felt, anyway. So when you come into the tent or up to the hut at night you sleep quite well. Or it will say, I scored me a bad shoulder one of the first day, possibly enough an overload that followed me around. half of the trip and did that I had to sit up and sleep some nights, it took just the top of the joy of running sled. But fortunately it disappeared and the rest of the trip could be enjoyed 100%
Chatting at Gefion Port Depot (Alborg)The small huts along the coast are super cozy. The old trapper cabins and some of them are over 70 years old and have coals, so you can get a little baked buns or split a pizza sled together. It is now a nice break for the Knorr soup with cream cheese and pasta as otherwise stated on the menu every day. Not that I in any way wrinkles on the nose of this culinary experience a taste fantastic and actually it is the one you are looking forward to all day. The daily intake of calories is the breakfast of muesli and milk (powder + water) and then paste in the evening and a little Ritter Sport for dessert. We get nothing during the day, but you need not think.
When we have eaten, we might just be an hour and digest, hear some music or Cafe Hack on The iPod before outdoor man to go out and Pette dog while indoors man boiling water the next day. The hours you are out at the dogs in the evening, you use just to look through the feet, apologize to those you have yelled at and say thank you today for all of them. It is a delightful hour.

After a few days it stood on land crossing. We had to Hochstetter Forland and further out towards the coast and up to Roseneath Depot. Hochstetter is fairly much up and down and Rasmus trudged ahead most of the way while I was at the carriage and cheered on the dogs when they were about to go cold out of the hills. At one point we were down a little steep descent and I got a bremsetov on the sled and jumped up on the load, but on the way down we hit a stone and I fell off. I could feel that I hit my thigh, but thought that it was probably just a stone. When I looked down I could see that my knife had fallen out of the vagina and that it was the one I had landed on top, because there was a hole in my pants. It tightened good enough just in the thigh, but the more I did not look like it. When we got in the tent at night and I got my pants, I might note that my ski underwear was completely covered in blood, through the three layers, so I hurried to pack up to the thigh and there I found a nice little stabs of approximately . 1 cm. in time and depth. Then you have also tried it. I got it cleaned, got a Mickey Mouse patch and could choose a toy from the box.
After a few weeks on the ice, on snow and on land, I began gradually to feel comfortable with both skis and sled. And we had also tried a bit of everything along the way. Unfortunately, the amount of snow so far, not so crazy this year so that the runners of the sled has had it a little hard. None or very little snow does unfortunately there are many rocks and as we drove through Walking passport, I think I touched all the stones with my knees and elbows. Those I did not get hit on, or who got hit on my sled took care of. We have proved that we can build sleds in sled team 4 as with the beatings of the sled has been here in the fall, it can handle everything!After such a day where you have cried, the band and thrown around with stones, there is nothing better than getting into the tent, into the warmth of his soup, book and chocolate. It is as if all your frustrations will disappear the moment you enter through the tent opening. It's luck!

Cozy in the tent, the best in worldOne day we got a little biased against a country being run over by Bagfjorden and ended up on a glacier (glacier), which is forbidden, but we just had to get on and get down again. Rasmus went ahead and found the road and I went down at the sled and trying to steer and yell at the dogs, as Rasmussen suddenly cried out: "beware of the crack." I came straight to the other side of the sled before the smoke halfway down the crack and fallen, I was somehow drawn to and also fell into the grated, nothing dangerous, because the crack was only approx. ½ feet wide, but deep. There was, I saw beautiful entangled in sled, skis and tow square. When I finally got kicked off my skis and could climb up the crack, I just have to shout a little high and handle one skis away in a slyngkast. But I was also clear and fresh again .... After approx. 200 meters overturned sled again!
Mid and late november month is the game to run up here, the days get very quickly decreasing. It feels as if you get up early and come home late, the day just missing. One can discern some unique and stunning sunsets at the time here, but from now on, it just becomes darker and darker, actually you can just glimpse the front canine in nomenclature. But it's just too fat to run the sled.
Unfortunately, we did not plush, but there were plenty of traces of them. Sled Team 2, with Peter and Tobias as the only one bear this autumn.

The second december we slipped into Harbour Denmark (weather station), to four days of rest and a life of luxury. We were greeted by Richard and Robert approx. 14 km. before the station, the two nice danmarkshavnere had driven to meet us on snowmobiles and had brought a soda and a muffin for the two sled heroes. We followed their scooter tracks into the station and greeted here on the other incredibly nice and hospitable people of Denmark Harbor. There, we should also find the sled team 2, which we enjoyed along with a couple of days before they took off again.
A day of rest do you use to, hold your hat ... the REST! But, also to repair things that are broken, subordinate dogs, etc. If you are lucky enough to land a place with coals, it is quite safe to indoor man spliting a sledge pizza together or bake muffins, pancakes, etc ... Christjansen as indoor / outdoor man changes every day.

But you can also use his day off to prevent getting stones lungs, as was the case at Gefion Harbour depot (Aalborghus depot). Kulovnen would suddenly not heating properly whatever we did. It has even donated by our all Queen Margaret ... When we got a closer look at the chimney and the stove, we could sense the rotation of our rest day train. So furnace and the chimney was dismantled in the main parts and cleaned the bottom. It was just what it needed and Rasmus could then come up with a fine fine pizza.

Now we went just south and home for Christmas. Lucky for us, we drove straight ir ... by sled team 2, so every time we came to a hut, it was still warm and there were buns saved us. Can you ask more luxury? I can not possible imagine.

We came down to Ardencaple Fjord, where the sled team 2 were in the hut. In the evening we got on the radio a storm warning and message that we could expect to be weatherproof (= impossible to run due to weather). It would prove to be true, for we lay there for 5 days with the storm of 50-60 knots. One morning when Rasmus and I were asleep, came Tobias suddenly bras end in and shouted that we had to get dressed for their sled was gone and our standing "probably" not where we had put it when we came. " At first we thought it was a very poor joke, but we got dressed and smoke outside where we were completely blown down and could not see because of the snowstorm. We noticed after we had the GPS in your pocket, so we could get back to the cabin. "Just in case"! The slide was good enough away .. approx. 250 meters out on the ice, I could faintly make out the glow of a headlamp, so I ran out there, where I met Tobias and "Black Sun". It had wedged itself stuck in an ice hummock and Tobias was to ensure that it is not running anymore. We rushed over to Peter and Rasmus. Peter had found their sled overturned 300 meters out from shore. We had struggled for grabs and had it towed up to the cabin and tied before we could get out and save our own sled up on shore. Whew, I dare not think about the consequences if our sleds had disappeared.
An "aha" experience, which we obviously should have seen coming, but I wonder if we remember the future?

I can reveal that after 5 days of 10 m2, so they are very pleased very much to get going again. But we had fun with Sledge Team 2, but played little hearts, casino and read some books and old magazines. (Who might remember that Mette Fugl and Jørn Mader dating early 80s? Red.: See & Hear 1982)

The last piece of home to Daneborg was "piece of cake" ... most of the way ...!
We had to cross the Lindemanns valley, but all the snow there before were there, were blown away in the storm, so "all" rock was exposed and "all" stone was evidently a walk up and kiss our bottom boards on the sled, which resulted in 3 - 4 broken ones. Lindemann valley also offered both sled somersault down snefane and a pretty interesting "case" on a second snefane. Suddenly we discovered in the middle of the dark, we drove 4 meters up on a snefane, right next to the river and then the rear of the sled quietly moved over the edge, it was quite criminal. Fortunately, Rasmus equipped with a unique talent and run faster than the speed he was going by Hansen and Johan (dogs and second in command) and got pulled them up, and further up on shore. Unfortunately for Jesper, I was caught on the wrong side of the sled and then the rear end struck last swing of the tail, I was pushed over the edge and slid the 4 meters of the plume and down on the ice. From there I could so be looking up under the carriage and to note that some of the holiday season really I was going to change the base boards ...

I found my ice spikes and began the ascent of the 4 meters and could subsequently find Rasmus and "the boys" a little more advanced. That night we slept great in the tent, despite the storm! The day had previously featured 2 broken rifle bags, 3 defective zippers and some other damaged small things.

